Emails of Love...Thank you for all of the incredible, inspirational emails I received yesterday. I wanted to thank everyone for taking time to care. It means so much to Dad! I always share with him your calls and notes when I see him. Thank you, thank you , thank you!
"What a great idea, Lynette. Thank you for sharing. I hope you had a great birthday. All my love to you and your family"
"I received your message on Facebook today. Gosh, I had no idea that your dad has been so ill. I talked to my dad a few minutes ago and pulled the website up so he could read the recent posts. He was very sad and concerned. I was not sure if your dad could have visitors so I gave dad your office number so he could call and talk to you. Sorry to hear that things have been so rough for your dad. Our thoughts and prayers are with your entire family."
"Good speaking with you, I know somewhat what you going through since we went through similar circumstance five years ago with my Mom. Our prayers are with Bob and your family. "
"Thank you so much for sending this e-mail to me, it actually brings tears to my eyes and hurts to hear that dad has been suffering so much. He is in my prayers, tell him that Buddha is blessing him too… I have not seen your dad since Mark Pierce’s funeral. He was thin then, but still yelled “hey! Sach” gave me a hug and gave me that huge smile which really pleased me. When he and Frank used to share Warrior tickets, he would call regularly with such a warm voice. He has such a warm and strong spirit."
"I would like to have the website address. I have your family in my thoughts and prayers."
"I have your dad’s health in my prayer. Please forward the website address to me. Please take care yourself."
"I am so sorry to hear that your Dad has not been well. I was not aware that he was sick or in the hospital. Please let me know if I can help in ANY way. Yes, please send me the website address when you are able. Take care, and please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers."
"I’m so sorry to hear about your dad being hospitalized like this!! You are all in my thoughts and prayers. If you have time, please do send me the link for the website. My dad has asked about your dad lately too. If I can do anything to help out, please let me know. I don’t live far from you. Here’s my cell: XXX-XXX-XXXX."
"I too am heartbroken-pls pls pls keep me posted "
"Lynette: I just received a call from your Uncle Denny last nite and was saddened to hear of your Dad’s condition-pls keep me posted and I am here for you your Mom and anything you need just call me!! I realize he cannot see visitors in the ICU but I would love to see him when possible. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers."
"Thanks Lynette. You did a great job with the website. My thoughts and prayers are with you"
"Lynette, I am so sorry to hear about your dad!!!!! I had no idea!!!! As a concerned friend, I so appreciate the Blogspot and the time and energy needed to put it together. It can be theraputic as well for you. This time is difficult enough without having to deal with numerous phone calls and trying to update everyone. My thoughts, prayers and love are with you and your family. I have many memories of your dad....as I'm sure all that know him too can attest. Please know that if I were there I'd be giving you big hugs....and whatever support I could! From this distance all I can offer is my diligent prayers...and love. Hang in there girlfriend....I love you!"
I'm so sorry sweetie. I know how hard it is. He is a very handsome man. Your sisters and you are very beautiful. You are all in my prayers and my heart.
Just wanted to tell you how impressed I am by the website & appreciate being able to read the updates. You are all taking such good care of your Dad, God bless you. Give Bob my love ok?
He is the best boss I have ever had & a good friend too (no offense to my dad or Mike – they understand!) He is a strong man & his faith will see him through this.
Please let me know if there is anything you need. Give your Mom a big hug too. I am sure this is so hard for her.
Dear Lynette, As part of your "family´ for 9 years I would appreciate the opportunity to let your Dad & mother know I still care.
You should be proud of your web site. Very professional.. If you and Sheri need a little assistance, I told you that I’d be happy to help. My wife can come by and answer phones for you. Or, Linda, Diane, or me would be happy to office for a couple of hours. Let me know. Lot’s of love is going on in the Fraga family, that’s for sure. We all pray for your Dad’s well being.
Checked in today about Bob's condition. Thanks Lynette for all of the updates. We are always thinking of the Bobby and send our prayers and love.
Hugs and kisses for our strong man.
Harvey and Karlene
Good morning Bob~ we send all of our love and prayers to you this new day. This website keeps us very well informed as you progress. God's strength to you as you work at getting better so we can come and see you.
We miss you and all the fun we have together.
Harvey misses your saloon episodes in Cambria and Morro Bay. He says the two of you have to get back to being beer drinking buddies again.
Hugs and loves
Harvey and Karlene
Hello Bob! Karen Smith sent me the blog site. I wish you well in your recovery. Just seeing your photo makes me smile as I remember fun times together and your nuturing me along. Your grounding me in the great State Farm culture has paid off for me and, hopefully, the company. I look forward to hearing of your progress. Stay strong and keep smiling. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Joe Formusa
Bobby we are always thinking of you. Get going in your quest to get strong so we can laugh and talk about the stuff we talk about.
Morro Bay and Cambria beckin you, the bartenders there say once a year seeing you and Harvey is not enough.
We miss you loads and pray you get back on track.
All of our love is sent your way~
Harvey and Karlene
Bob we love you and think of you all the time. Our prayers are with you.
Karlene and Harvey
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