Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 20, 2009

Dad had a good night last night. We are thankful for the small things right a good night's sleep. Blood pressure is stable and medications are stabilized as well; all good signs! Dad is swelled up like a balloon from the fluids being pumped into him. His fingers are like sausages, but we are thankful for any improvement. The doctors aren't sure of the course of action for the day yet, as it is only 7am. Mom went home last night and plans to return tomorrow. She stays at our home in Fremont when she is out visiting Dad. I am thankful one of us lives relatively close to Stanford. Again, the small things mean more than they did a week ago. I talk with Dad's nurse at 9:40am and she explains that there are no changes. They hope to move him to a regular room some time today. Later, that night, Dad is moved to a regular room and he has a phone available to use. Life is good today...Phones, stability, fat fingers and close proximity...all things that once seemed unimportant. God is good!

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